Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I havent been blogging for some time..about two weeks i think. No time now adays coz school is really giving me the sucker punch this year. Guess i have to bear with it this year. and me parents are constricting me on using the com! i say..wtf..
azzy 10:00 pm
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Staring at me.
School Started!
I did not do much today.
I swore the only notes i had taken down was the timetable.sheesh.
The teacher also set the bar expected for us to achieve.
This year's my bi oreO's.
Well, everything has been said.
I just need to pace myself, do my work, and hardcore revision.
I should be fine.
Or am i?
oh well. god's will
azzy 9:58 pm
Monday, January 02, 2006
happy new year everyone!
i kinda rekindled my blog. So hopefully i start blogging again.
thats my new years resolution.
ill try.
its 2 in the morning.sleepy.
till next time eh?
azzy 2:37 am