Sunday, August 05, 2007

the glorious dead.
yesterday i went to the baybeats festival with a number of my friends. and friends of friends. i met ab, azmi and alep at the tampines mrt station around 5. then came abdul and his friend. and finally met wan and a bunch more in the train. Wan, zaki, ali, and the others i have probably forgotten their names. we went to the esplanade and met another 4 more people over there. leh and sufiyan, from SP and rahim and lindy too. alot of people huh? coz i didn't expect alot of people. but since there was so many, well, the more the merrier!
the sallys were up when we arrived. a ska/indie band from singapore. the songs were good but i could have been better if i arrived earlier, because they were playing their last two songs. whats even better? the girl, the only girl on the trombone. zahidah was it?nice.=)). i saw alot af familiar faces over there. haliejah, fadilah and nadia was there. ali was there too. and i accidentally met haikal while moshing! sort a bump into him..
i can't but help but thin that leh knew everyone there. haha. he was like "salam-ing" anyone every 30 seconds. cool huh? most of them went off around 9.30 but ab, me, rahim, lindy, alep and later nadiah who joined us stayed to watch the last performance by blindside. i kinda regretted joining the mosh there, i picked an injury to my back. and rib. ouch. ab has some of his blood spilled yesterday, to his nose and lip. haha. semangat sangat kan. after that we went back, slowly proceeding to the train. ab's malboro menthol became malboro menthol slim. haha. kesian. luckily only one of my ciggs became slim!
azzy 6:26 pm
Thursday, August 02, 2007
i can't believe we won! yesterday was the street soccer finals for the top three teams in my engineering school. i was wondering how the top three was gonna battle it out or the top prize till i realized we were gonna play round robin. one was a highly experienced team, comprising of third year students where a number of them are in the school soccer team. the other was a chinese group team who really have a knack of showboating. i wanted to really trash the latter team, for they were really a bunch of asses. my team were raring to get silver, and i really thought that was what we were getting. so the first match started, against the experienced team. they really showed respect when playing you see. something i observed... anyway, we pushed them to the last minute and in the end it ended 3-3. came the penalties...AGAIN it ended 3-3. so sudden death lah. finally, we lost. by a goal. damn. but i was pleased to see that we can challenge them. always look on the bright side eh?
suprisingly, they lost to the chinese team. something we did not expect to happened! but i was good for us actually. because now we have a chance to get back the silver, or perhaps the gold, by goal scored. the time came for us to face the chinese team. i played keeper, cause we fielded a pretty strong forward team,Yuni, Rusydi & Shashi. lungs of horses these people. they can create havoc at the front while protecting my ass at the same time! we managed to beat them! 6-4! and so it was. we won. by goals scored...yipeee!
i have to say this, when i was going home, there was this guy who was sitting in the train, his head bobbing and smiling throughout my entire trip back. i can't help to think. why the hell was he smiling? it like from ear to ear okay. either he was really having a good dream or, well, has a good conscience... sure, i had my fair share of laughter. and i swear when you stare at his face long enough, it looks the smiley scream mask in scary movie! cool shit. haha!
azzy 8:22 pm