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Sunday, August 05, 2007

the glorious dead.

yesterday i went to the baybeats festival with a number of my friends. and friends of friends. i met ab, azmi and alep at the tampines mrt station around 5. then came abdul and his friend. and finally met wan and a bunch more in the train. Wan, zaki, ali, and the others i have probably forgotten their names. we went to the esplanade and met another 4 more people over there. leh and sufiyan, from SP and rahim and lindy too. alot of people huh? coz i didn't expect alot of people. but since there was so many, well, the more the merrier!

the sallys were up when we arrived. a ska/indie band from singapore. the songs were good but i could have been better if i arrived earlier, because they were playing their last two songs. whats even better? the girl, the only girl on the trombone. zahidah was it?nice.=)). i saw alot af familiar faces over there. haliejah, fadilah and nadia was there. ali was there too. and i accidentally met haikal while moshing! sort a bump into him..

i can't but help but thin that leh knew everyone there. haha. he was like "salam-ing" anyone every 30 seconds. cool huh? most of them went off around 9.30 but ab, me, rahim, lindy, alep and later nadiah who joined us stayed to watch the last performance by blindside. i kinda regretted joining the mosh there, i picked an injury to my back. and rib. ouch. ab has some of his blood spilled yesterday, to his nose and lip. haha. semangat sangat kan. after that we went back, slowly proceeding to the train. ab's malboro menthol became malboro menthol slim. haha. kesian. luckily only one of my ciggs became slim!

azzy 6:26 pm

Thursday, August 02, 2007

i can't believe we won! yesterday was the street soccer finals for the top three teams in my engineering school. i was wondering how the top three was gonna battle it out or the top prize till i realized we were gonna play round robin. one was a highly experienced team, comprising of third year students where a number of them are in the school soccer team. the other was a chinese group team who really have a knack of showboating. i wanted to really trash the latter team, for they were really a bunch of asses. my team were raring to get silver, and i really thought that was what we were getting. so the first match started, against the experienced team. they really showed respect when playing you see. something i observed... anyway, we pushed them to the last minute and in the end it ended 3-3. came the penalties...AGAIN it ended 3-3. so sudden death lah. finally, we lost. by a goal. damn. but i was pleased to see that we can challenge them. always look on the bright side eh?

suprisingly, they lost to the chinese team. something we did not expect to happened! but i was good for us actually. because now we have a chance to get back the silver, or perhaps the gold, by goal scored. the time came for us to face the chinese team. i played keeper, cause we fielded a pretty strong forward team,Yuni, Rusydi & Shashi. lungs of horses these people. they can create havoc at the front while protecting my ass at the same time! we managed to beat them! 6-4! and so it was. we won. by goals scored...yipeee!

i have to say this, when i was going home, there was this guy who was sitting in the train, his head bobbing and smiling throughout my entire trip back. i can't help to think. why the hell was he smiling? it like from ear to ear okay. either he was really having a good dream or, well, has a good conscience... sure, i had my fair share of laughter. and i swear when you stare at his face long enough, it looks the smiley scream mask in scary movie! cool shit. haha!

azzy 8:22 pm

Monday, July 23, 2007

wowwee.. its really been a long time since i've updated huh? people were bugging me to update so no worries, im gonna do it now. alot has been going on lately. so ill start with the latest. i tries my best to wake up at 7 yesterday to collect the book-yes i read harry potter- but i woke at 9. i was lucky enough to get one since there was only a few left. the book is worth the wait by the way. it was dark all the way from the start. people dying here and there..coolness. the latest installment of the movie i managed to catch it with zul and yasin. alah spoil lah the ending. it was kinda flat towards the end,finishing rather abruptly. i burned the entire of yesterday going to town with ab and azmi, they needed to find some new clothes so i tag along. come to think of it, i think i need a change myself..going home at night is becoming a habit for me nowadays. its kinda obvious my mum isn't that quite happy seeing me reach home after 9. and since i have commited to join a rugby club, i better remember to bring my home keys next time. i joined to get get experience you see, and the players at the SRC Rugby will give me that perfectly
i missed my old friends. i want to meet up with them! okay, i bumped into sue on tuesday while going to school, bumped into ayu on thursday while going back home, and i bumped into af yesterday at bedok. and the last girl? nazreen? sadly i didn't bumped into her this week, or else it would have been complete. and then there's luqman, alep,amirah, yasin, zul, awi, rahim(da hanyut eh kau) and many many many more.... we have to meet up seriously.

the simpsons is out on thusday, get ready your donuts and beers people. literally.

azzy 12:42 am

Thursday, July 05, 2007

its been a tough week for me. its a week after my MST and the results are out. 2 B's and an A? not bad, not bad. well that was just half of the tough part. in fact this week i have a whole lot of presentations, interviews, a whole lot of issues, more presentations and even more projects thrown at me. man, i feel like im in RP. anyway, thank goodness its friday tommorow. i just have to endure 2 hours of school tommorow. and yes i have another presentation tommorow. my body's telling me that i really need snooze. just yesterday, i shit you not, i experienced the worst headache ever. i came back after playing street at my school and i couldn't stand properly to walk home. i went home, with assignments aside, just crashed to my bed and dozed of for 11 hours. well panadol could have solved the problem. but i prefer to sleep. rubgy training resumed today. i skipped the last 3 weeks because of the examinations. funny story, my right arm was dead for about 30 seconds just this evening! after a bad tackle, there was total numbness in my right arm, i couldn't even lift it up! i'm just glad its moving now.haha..

add her! add her! like right now!

azzy 11:37 pm

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Today was the first time i played in an artificial field. the advantage was that i didn't have to clean my boot afterwards. but the fact that the match started at 3 today, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, my god was it hot. cause you know, plastic and heat just don't click. St. Wilfred Sports Hall was the location. not a mere stone's throw away from my house, but it was near bendemeer sec. we were up against nuraman's elder brother, and usually were used to get thrashed by his team. but my was it different today. the place was was fully booked so we had to finish before 5. Halim scored the opening goal. can't remember who created or delivered, but yeah, going 1-0 up at half-time was kind of a landmark experience.

the second half was kinda crazy i can admit. man's brother, decided to turn up the heat and they really attacked us simultaneously from the wings. multiple injuries came later, cause tackles was flying everywhere! they eventually did scored an equaliser. dang. so much for a clean sheet. after that, we wanted to go for the win, so it was our turn to attack. azmi, nuraman,shamir and halim. the quartet had chance after chance to score the winning goal. credits to shamir, my god. i now fully believe he has the lungs of a horse! he appeared, well, everywhere! shit. by this time i was already felling the crams on both my legs. iskandar was at the left wing but i had to cover him, and the fact that azmi drifted all the way to the front, i had to cover the center, luckily nazri was there to help me. the eventual winning goal, suprisingly. was farhan! aha. the super-sub. the one saw him comingin and he head the ball home from a corner. so thats it. we won. we actually won! i mean the last time we played them. i remember we got thrashed, 6-4. so getting the 2-1 win was, well, euphoric.

wow. i couldn't stand after that i tell you. i really put my all. and thatnks to that, both my legs were failing me even before i exited the sports complex. and to think that the walk back to boon keng mrt station was that bloody long. its really excruciating. somehow, me, is and shamir were discussing if shamir had been to her house before. well, YOU DID. memory rabak siot. pompuan tu lagikk. the iskandar went the extra mile by telling us what happened during the second day of primary school. OK.... a little too much..going back even sucks. thanks to the peak hour. i had to stand the entire 40 mins. yikes. now im at home, i've lost all feeling on both my legs. i feel like it isn't there. the terrible sore throat which i thought was gone is suddenly back. im starting to cough. i can't smell my nenek's cooked food because of the blocked nose, and thanks to my lack of sleep + extra neurons of stress thats been piling, i have a terrible headache.

nothing that panadol extra can't do eh?

p.s: ok i saw that eurasian girl from the clearasil advertisement for like....the 8th time already? and she went down at boon keng mrt station too! she's hot..i wonder where she's going..

azzy 11:46 pm

Sunday, June 17, 2007

the past few days were all about releasing the stress i've been conjuring up the past week. who knows, i've probably delayed that clot in my brain from exploding.i met luqman and halim after prayers on friday and hey hey.. yasin was there! guess he remembered it was friday that day. we went for lunch and lepak for a while. luqman told me sb nite was on, so yeah. but sorry for ditching the plan again man. twice. on the trot. i decided to play street, yes again. well, burning some calories in the night sure works for me! it was the normal clique, ab, azmi, rahim, zz...etc. khai dropped by, aha..pity he only played a game...he could not stand the long wait, plus the slippery floors! which reminds me, when the hell is the st. 4 street going to be reopened? shite, its been two months! i came back at nine plus and me mum showing me that face again. c'mon, its only nine...
saturday was the day after friday and i couldn't care less to put pen to paper and revise. but nevertheless, i did. Revised some of my DE. lucky the weather was on my side. it was raining! haven't seen that for the past few weeks. it was close to six when ab called inviting me to play pool at downtown. so yeah, im in. i met azmi and ab and simei before meeting yasin at downtown. we had dinner, ab's treat. i was kinda "pokai" for the night. pool was nothing less of interesting, we had leisure and a show!, yeah, sumthin happened..i dun wanna talk about it.we i was about to go home went we realised zz was working at the pasar malam at pasir ris. apa lagi. attack uh. we saw him and got a great deal for those hot dogs. aha! ok ok mum called. got to be back. that means im late.so i reached simei at 11( didn't realise zaim and his friends were at SB simei). i reached home and there she was at the front door with a face even worse than friday. my god gimme a break...i mean my elder brother came at 5 in the morning that same night!

i must talk to her about this. but when?

azzy 11:12 pm

Thursday, June 14, 2007

i envy my friends over at TP. their exams are done and dusted a week ago. mine? in two weeks time. really smart eh my school? they put the exams after the holidays so that we don't waste our time.bollocks. they tell us to , " plan your vacation wisely." ooh ladi daa.. more like, " bye-bye holidays!" its been study study study for me. i wake up at 9 to start my revision. oh yes, PEEE, DE & Maths. the whole shebang. sometimes its 10 hours, sometimes is 12 hours, i don't really take count of it. the only time i ever go out of the house is buying newspaper, taking a cig, or playing street. which wasjust yesterday. and that even didn't go to plan! i promised myself to be back home by 6. i came to my doorstep at 9. bagus kan? Street is a excellent sport to waste your time okay! yet some of my friends are against it. i dunnoe why. i get to know new friends, thats unavoidable. injuries are imminent! skills is a must!anyway, when i came back,i ended up doing about...10 questions and i gave up to sleep. and Family Guy. haha. Waywardness is a terrible disease people! if there's a cure, please do inform me!

i miss you already.

the small things things that brighten up my day. watching this bugger sleep akwardly. now im pretty damn sure she use to be a human before she was reincarnated into a cat after looking at his picture!

azzy 12:58 am


Muhammad Azri :)
my friendster

I like to express my thoughts
I'm still finding an inspiration
I love indie
I love football
I 'll stop here for now.






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